Experience goes hand-in-hand with ensuring the product is top quality! Over 20 years and counting! Trust us, we still learn new tricks!
If it wasn't for our customers we wouldn't be here! We rely heavily on repeat business, referrals, and of course word of mouth! If it wasn't for you fine folks, we wouldn't be here!
For each requested job, we schedule it in with the other jobs to help the production go quicker. Due to many requests coming in daily, it is typically the production/turnaround time can be a couple of weeks out.
Why Choose Us?
Welcome to learn about Arrow Hydro-Dip powered by Platinum Auto Body located in Northern Michigan. We are a locally owned & operated business offering the best of customer care & quality of services. We strive to offer our valued customers a great experience with our services. Our main goal at the end of the day is to maintain excellent communication to keep you as a valued customer by answering any questions you may have or making a sample piece to provide a better idea of how your parts will come out.
More about Arrow Hydrodip is with our unique Hydrographics process, we can transfer your plain old items into a custom & adventurous look.
We have several patterns that can be ordered to fit your personality, need, or want.
We have over 20+ years of automotive body repair experience that goes hand in hand with Hydro-Dipping to ensure the best quality product.
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